Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Sermon Sunday

So it isn't Sunday anymore, but I heard a sermon that made me think yesterday and I actually spent some time pondering it and now I've decided to share a little bit of what God has made me think about.

The sermon was meant to be on giving, but what I left with was more about choices and exchanging.  It is about exchanging my image, provisions, and priorities for God's.  How often do I care too much about how something would affect my image?  Or do I use my resources in a way that brings glory to the Kingdom? Or do I put my sleep, friends, job, or even being entertained before things of God?   Its sad to see that really I haven't exchanged my ways for God's.  And sometimes it seems reasonable to act in a way that really is more about me than God.  Shouldn't I make sure I'm keeping my good reputation?  Don't I deserve to be able to go out for sushi with money that I have earned? But perhaps those things stop me from stepping out in ways that God is calling me to.  Perhaps I could have loved more people if I wasn't worried about my reputation. Perhaps I could have made an amazing difference with all that money spent on Starbucks.  Actually, that isn't a perhaps.  That is a fact.  The amount of money I spent on Starbucks in the last year could have made a huge difference to someone, somewhere.  And I barely can stand to imagine how much time I could have spent reading God's Word if I hadn't watched any tv and movies in the last year.

When you think you aren't doing to bad, a good serious questioning of these things are pretty humbling.  I guess I have a good project for the rest of my life, cuz I figure its going to take that long to get all these exchanges done.  Good thing I'm starting early.


  1. Yes, it is always wonderful to see young people starting early on this... but don't assume it will take the rest of your life to get it done... make a committment to making it happen for a week of your life or a month of your life and see the difference! You could have it accomplished in way less time than a life time! What if we all took the rest of our life to really do what God wanted us to do? When would God's work actually get done? He needs willing workers now! What is more important than doing what God needs done?

  2. Oh Mom, you are so cute. I just figure I'm going to have to constantly be putting down my way of doing things and purposefully picking up God's. But thanks for the pep talk, I appreciated it.
