Sunday, June 26, 2011

I love finding new blogs.

And I found one that said this:

Sad Day

Sometimes you just have a day that you know isn't going to go very well.  Anytime you go to a funeral might be one. Or days that you know you have to do something you don't want to do.  Or days when your boyfriend leaves for the coast for two months without much hope of having a chance to see him at all during that time.

I'm not really a fan of those days.

However, God really made my most recent one much better than I expected.  I had expected to not be in a very good mood or very happy for most of the day.  And I probably was pretty sulky for the morning.  But God wasn't okay with me being that way.  I had the chance to go see friends I hadn't seen on far too long, to hold their beautiful baby, to chat with my best friend, to talk to God without any interruptions, to see a mama and baby moose, and to stop and take pictures at a couple places that I am always wishing I could stop with my mom's new digital SLR (Thanks Mom!).

And by the end of the day, it didn't feel like a horrible day at all. It might not have started off so well, but it wasn't bigger than God and his almighty distracting power. And although I'm not excited for the next two months, I know that God will still be there when I get down and that he never runs out of good ideas.

Monday, June 13, 2011


I definitely stopped blogging when I got back to Canada, and I recently realized that it isn't okay for a couple reasons:

1. How will I share everything I've been doing with my friends all over the globe if I'm not blogging?
2. I want to stay in the habit of blogging in case I go back to YWAM in the fall (which is still a possibility).
3. I needed to fix some formatting problems on my blog to make it more readable.

And I have fixed those problems (no more funny font!). I also enabled the "mobile version" of my blog so if you read it on an ipod or blackberry or whatever, it will be much more user friendly than trying to read the normal web version on an itsy, bitsy screen.

As for having more things to talk about?  I can't think of anything right now. But I'll start thinking and hopefully have something interesting to say soon!