Looking for a job is a bit of work. A full time job looking for a full time job. So as of this moment I've submitted four applications, but I have a whole wack more to either hand in or fill out or customize my resume for. I have nine resumes on my list right now for all kinds of jobs. Obviously some of them I am more interested in than others, but all of them are paid. On of the applications I am going to hand in tomorrow is at White Spot, and some of my friends here said they would come see me all the time if I worked there even though its not the most appealing job.
But my friends here have been great. I've enjoyed hot tubbing, watching hockey games (Go Nucks!), wedding planning, going out for lunch, exploring a chicken/goose/duck farm, and frisbee throwing just since Thursday. If the summer continues like this I'm going to so excited!
Also, yesterday I realized that there is a school less than 100m from the house I'm living in, so I have a playground and beautiful view out over Abby from that school yard. Its also been super nice with sunny weather that is closer to late June weather in Alberta. I'm loving that! All is going well, and I'm pretty confident that this summer is going to rock.
my sister works at White Spot :) She really likes it