No Way! It definitely can't be week four already! But it is! We just finished our fourth week of teaching. And this surely is the tear jerker week. Father heart of God. This is the week that you hang all the other information you learn at DTS upon! This isn't just another book, it is the bookcase where you put all the books. It is the tree you hang everything else on. It is the lens with which you look through at everything else.
Our teacher is a amazing and humble man who currently lives in Belgium. And he teaches this week so well, because he has so much revelation on this topic and because of his own fatherly qualities. It was so nice to see him again as he taught last year as well and really impacted me. But instead of giving a real cliff notes overview of this teaching, I'm going to write down some of the great one liners that he said that made me think.
Only God is up to date on someone's life. If they have confessed and been forgiven by God, who am I to not forgive them?
Mercy is getting what you don't deserve and not getting what you do deserve. (then why do I always want justice for others, and mercy for myself?)
Sin didn't change God. It changed us.
Everything outside the love of God will not fulfill you.
No one has been rejected into wholeness. (I can't bring someone to health and wholeness by rejecting them. It is through acceptance and honour that they can find change.)
The greatness of God is like trying to explain the size of the milky way to a six year old. Even if you talk about light years and distances, they still only relate it to the two day journey to Grandma's house. We have no concept to understand the greatness.
God's ability and desire to speak to you is greater than your ability to hear. (He will tell you again if you miss it the first time, or second, or third)
You cannot become like Jesus by focusing on what Jesus did. (How may people just gasped? Be honest.... The reason is that we don't want to be just a mimic of Jesus. We want to draw from the same source that he did in order to do the same. In order to do that, we need to realize that we also are adopted as sons or daughters of God. That identity is the most important thing in becoming like Jesus. There is much more to that, but I already explained enough)
To be touched by God is not to have a relationship with him (the ten lepers). Touching is from one side. Relationship is from both sides.
Love is to reveal the beauty of another person to themselves.
For love to unconditional, it depends on the character and nature of the giver and not on the behaviour of the recipient.
If I do not fell God's love daily, I'm living on less than I am created to.
Time does not heal the heart, it just gives us time to get used to the pain.
The main point of the whole week was: God is our perfect Father. We cannot look at him through the lens of our earthly father, because that isn't who he is. And when we don't believe that he loves us unconditionally, we don't want to come to him.