Sunday, December 12, 2010


Church on the 12th was great.  I really enjoyed it. First great thing: air conditioning.  That made it much better.  But the music was great too.  I think it is easier to pronounce and sing along in Indonesian. Less weird syllables with just consonants and no vowels in between.  The music was really good.  One of the guys we are getting to know led worship, and another girl we know too. And our Alex actually got recruited to play keyboard, which really speaks of his talent, because he didn’t know the songs before their practice session the day before.  And he sounded great with them.  The band was such professionals that even when the power went out (which it did twice) they just kept singing.  No amplification, the piano gone, the guitar turned acoustic, but the congregations voices kept going. Pretty sweet. That would have stopped the service at home!  Ben and Art gave testimonies (which of course were awesome).  But my favorite part was the sermon.  This Indonesian lady was amazing.  She had all the spunk of an African Christian woman who tells it like it is, and the emphasis and interaction with the crowd you expect in a good preacher in a small church (to be fair it was a small church).  Anyways, we didn’t have any translation but about 25% of the time I knew what she was talking about.  The other 75% I was just enjoying her spirit, her attitude, and her speaking style.  Oh, and she spoke beautiful English to us after the service and actually welcomed our team in English before she began her sermon.  Very cool. 

I’m glad we will get to go to this church a lot while we are here.  I really enjoy it and the people. 

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