Monday, July 04, 2011

What I'm Reading

I know people who blog about what they currently are reading and knitting. I don't knit. And I don't really have anything to substitute for knitting. And how can they have two hobbies like that anyways? You need your hands to both read and knit.

So instead of having a regular blog post on what I'm knitting and reading, it is just going to be reading.

And if you didn't know me in junior high and high school, they you won't know that I'm a huge reader. I love books. I devoured them in the summer all year long.  Late into the night. On the school bus.  And being in university interrupted my reading. I needed to read text books if I was going to read anything, so reading a novel wasn't very high on my list. My only fun reading would be a christian living book that I would have by my bed, but those didn't get finished very fast.  So now that I'm home for the summer, without anything very serious knocking down my door, I can read.  And it hasn't been as easy to get back into as I thought. Maybe my reading was just as much as a habit as a pastime.  But since reading Little Women over the last year on my iPod touch (that takes much longer than a real book too, even though it is more mobile. I definitely won't be a kindle customer), I've really wanted to keep reading.  I've read Louisa May Alcott's entire series a couple times already, but I'm working on my next time right now.

I just finished little men, and the book is waiting to go back to the library.  I don't remember the name of the next book in the series, but I'm probably the only person in my town that reads this series so I'm sure it won't be hard to find.  

I've also started Crazy Love, although it came to an abrupt stop when I started reading Little Men. Somehow little Daisy and Demi Brooke are much more enthralling than Francis Chan. However, now that I'm blogging that I'm reading it, hopefully I'll have reason to pick it up again.   So far I've really enjoyed it, but that isn't saying much since I'm probably only on chapter three if my memory serves right.

I have a whole bunch more books coming from the library over the next couple weeks, so I should have plenty of reading material to blog on for a while. But I won't just blog on books. I feel a renewed desire to write opinion stuff and what is going on with me too.  Hopefully today's inspiration follows over to tomorrow too.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for leisure reading! Isn't it delightful?

    PS - The next book is Jo's Boys. Yup. I love these books a lot.
