Saturday, May 29, 2010

Catching Up

So I have been neglecting giving any real information on my blog mostly because I haven't been putting time aside to write how things are going. Today that changes.  I've learned a few things since coming to BC:

It does rain as much as everyone says.  I just happened to get two weeks of beautiful weather when i first got here. Now the weather is done showing off for me and has settled back into raining all the time or at least being overcast all the time.  My tan might not actually get as much work here as it did in Alberta!

Also, I am not in shape. Or at least not as in shape as all my friends here. I should have trained to come be their friend!  Although they may whip me into shape.  Frisbee, hiking, climbing HUGE rocks, climbing mountians and none of those at a leisurely pace!  Although, if I get in shape it will totally pay off. Especially with three weddings to look good at, and one swimsuit to buy (because I use it 10x more here! which makes it worth buying a new swimsuit that fits and looks good). I tried a uber cute bikini on today on a whim (because it was over $40 per half and I would never pay that) I loved it but I think I'm going to do the superstore steal route instead. *I just looked to see if I could find a good picture of it to post but the pics I found don't do it justice. So imagine a cute plaid 50's dress and cut the dress off the top.*

Anyways... what else has happened?  I got another job!  WOOT!
However, it leaves me in the difficult position of negotiating how I can work both or maybe I can't.  But this new one is working for Corrections on Abbotsford doing research on Women in Custody.  But mostly its just stats and stuff on the data they already have somewhere.  And I'm not sure how much more is confidential so I'll leave it there. But it should be a normal 9-5 cubicle job so that will be super nice.  But I want to help out at the first place that hired me because I like the job experience there because its working in a residential program.  Oh well.  God gave me both.  Hopefully he can make them work together.

I also ate my weight in seafood this week.  Well, that might be an exaggeration, but I made shrimp and scallop fettucini alfredo on Thursday with a friend.  Then yesterday it was scallops, prawns, and crab with Shay's dad's.  I think I've had more butter in two days than the entire previous year!  Kinda gross when i think about it.  But it was tasty.

Lastly, I found a long lost relative this week!  Who knew I had two dentists in my family?  NOT ME!  But here i unsuspectingly find my dad's cousin in Abby with his dentist office next to the medi-clinic I went to to get a clean bill of health for work.  The doctor asked me if I was related to the dentist next door.  I figured I wasn't but went and chatted up his receptionist anyways.  Yep, he is some second cousin or whatever.  My brother figured I should go ask him for a job, but now I'm all set so no need to go beg from the relatives.

So that is all I can think that needs to be written about.  Do you have questions?  People keep asking me how things are going, but I don't really know what they want to hear!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Got a 9-5 job

God is Good!
Details to come.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mountain scenery

We went 4x4ing yesterday. Beautiful views.

We also stopped to visit some neighbors. They were very friendly!

Mini Mini Donkeys! 

Trip to "The Cabin"

I finally have had a normal May Long Weekend! A weekend of camping and fun with super friends.
Seven of us drove five hours to 100 Mile House. Out of cell phone reception, and into a camping paradise.

The top of a beautiful waterfall! I'm ten feet from the edge and then we have the river continuing below.
The actual drop of the waterfall.
Us at the bottom. 
After a very very long hike to get to the bottom. 
And it was so very wet!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Flash Hail Storm

There has been pretty good weather most of the time I've been here.  But its rained and been pretty overcast for the last couple.  So today when it wasn't raining in the morning I was pretty happy.  BUT this afternoon there was a flash hail storm!  It was my first of the season and I thought it was pretty cool.  So although the hail is small and over fast, here are the pictures:

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Job!

I saw this little work on the beach this weekend. I thought it was pretty great.  A good reminder.
And today I had a reminder about his provision.  I had an interview that I was pretty worried about, and they pretty much gave me the job. I just have a whole bunch of hoops to jump through.  Some of them are pretty expensive too.  Now I've sent off a resume to a research summer job that would be great... I'm hoping that one goes through, but it leaves me in a difficult position.  God is going to have to help me through this too.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Archie Comic Weekend

So I'm calling this weekend Archie Comic Weekend because it is the stuff of Archie Comics.  We played frisbee (my team won, no thanks to me). Sat, we went to the beach, and hung out just like our favorite Riverdale residents! It was super beautiful, with beautiful people!

Then a Sunday of all you can eat sushi and sun. We walked around a little lake in the city and enjoyed the ducks and geese.  Finish it off with a half price Starbucks frap and its summer in May!
This was the second order of food of three in our sushi feast. 
It doesn't do it justice. 

This guy got super close, I bet that other people feed him. I just took a picture that I think is cute.

We needed to take a picture of our three sizes of fraps. Don't worry, mine was soy!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Really, My Neighbourhood

So I didn't post a single picture of the actual houses and neighborhood in the last post. Here are a few. None of these were taken from my house. They aren't my views. But its nice!

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Neighbourhood

I wanted to check out all these houses and the flowers that I've been driving past and went on a very nice little walk.  The mountain isn't nearly as hard to walk up as it seems in my car.  I figure it would be less than an hour round trip to walk to Tim Hortons at the bottom. But really why I went was to take pictures of the flowers for my mom. So here they are!
These flowers are just three houses down.
And these seemed like yellow bleeding hearts although I'm sure they aren't. 
Very pretty either way. 

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Job Search

Looking for a job is a bit of work.  A full time job looking for a full time job.  So as of this moment I've submitted four applications, but I have a whole wack more to either hand in or fill out or customize my resume for.  I have nine resumes on my list right now for all kinds of jobs.  Obviously some of them I am more interested in than others, but all of them are paid.  On of the applications I am going to hand in tomorrow is at White Spot, and some of my friends here said they would come see me all the time if I worked there even though its not the most appealing job.

But my friends here have been great.  I've enjoyed hot tubbing, watching hockey games (Go Nucks!), wedding planning, going out for lunch, exploring a chicken/goose/duck farm, and frisbee throwing just since Thursday.  If the summer continues like this I'm going to so excited!

Also, yesterday I realized that there is a school less than 100m from the house I'm living in, so I have a playground and beautiful view out over Abby from that school yard.   Its also been super nice with sunny weather that is closer to late June weather in Alberta.  I'm loving that!  All is going well, and I'm pretty confident that this summer is going to rock.  

Thursday, May 06, 2010


I'm finally here!  And I finally have something worth blogging about!  God is so good!  I drove to Edmonton on Tuesday to cut a couple hours off the trip and although it had dumped 4-6 cm of snow on the city earlier in the day, the roads were pretty good all the way in. Wed I left bright and early to get on the road but checked weather forecasts before I left. Just before Jasper and between Kamloops and Hope wasn't looking to hot. But it ended up being dry highway most of the drive anyway!  God totally cleared out the bad weather.  I even had sun from the BC border to practically Kamloops.  It was beautiful. I even got to see the top of Mount Robson (and that is something that even in the middle of summer can be touch and go).

After that I headed south.  I don't know if I have ever driven that way before, but I really enjoyed myself.  Mountains and trees is enough to make me excited as an Alberta girl but I saw elk, sheep, and a coyote in Jasper.  And seeing a townsite where I'm fairly certain there was a forest fire in the last few years was very interesting.  The bad part is you barely can look at most of the scenery when you are driving. I was careful to pay attention to the road even though I wanted to look at waterfalls and such.

The coolest part of the trip for me was between Kamloops and Hope.  The Coquihalla is beautiful!  It was the only place I had wet roads but I didn't mind slowing down because it is so pretty!  I felt like I drove into Narnia as I ascended the mountains to find a huge dump of snow on the trees.  It was gorgeous.  And coming down into Merritt was so cool because it was spring there, and then coming down into Hope was amazing because it seemed like full blown summer!  Now I know for all you seasoned travelers this is no big deal, but I thought it was so cool that God could have such opposite beauty (winter and summer) so seemingly close to each other!

The drive took me longer than I was told, but I'm not upset about that because I probably stopped more than other people do. I got to Abby after dinner and promptly got lost on the way to some relatives house.  I think I will need to get a detailed map of Abby if I want to do well driving here!  So now that I'm here, the job search will begin!  Since God was so faithful with my road trip yesterday I'm sure he will provide a job as well.  But I can't wait for it to knock on my door.. so off I go to polish resumes and research where all these places actually are!

ps. feel free to comment on these posts, it lets me know someone is reading them. :)